
Patai Udom Suksa School is located at 201 Viphavadi Rangsit Road, Laksi District, with the area of 8 acres. The school operates from K1 to Mathayom 3 ( Grade 9) in Thai and English Programs. There are 3172 boy and girl students. There are 286 Thai and international teachers, 33 employees, and 55 workers.

The Founders’ Philosophy
Police General Phao and Khunying Udomluck Sriyanond were the school founders with the hope of building a quality school for boys and girls operating in a form of non-profit and semi public charity. This is to alleviate the Government educational burden and to make the school an educational heritage for the society.

Patai Udom Suksa is established with the aims for developing students genius with quality and international standards. The school emphasizes student-centered process of teaching and learning for IQ, EQ and skills development adequate for students to step out with confidence to the new world. Student happiness based on Thai ways of living and on sufficiency economy is highly reinforced.

Educational management towards geniuses
The school has been carrying out research on “Total Educational Administration and Management Boosting Education Reforms Leading to the Development of Individual Student’s Potentials” and its result has been implemented in school administration and management. There are three success factors:

1. School based management policy Patai Udom Suksa decentralizes power to every school section so that teachers and staff cooperate with each other in thinking, developing and taking responsibility in both long term and short term educational strategic planning and the school year plan to ensure its full and effective implementation and outcome of school towards international standards.

2. The development of individual student’s potentials policy Patai Udom Suksa emphasizes on experiential learning and different learning styles in order to boost students’ competence, mental power, self confidence, hope and the desired happiness. To accomplish the aforementioned, the school promotes the atmosphere and environment which help learning: using school-based curriculum, various instructional innovation and media, educational games and updated technology including teacher training for quality teachers in both academics and professional skills.

3. Quality assurance policy.
The school manages to have quality assurance system, both internal and external, in order to raise up the school to the highest and effective quality. Every school unit is empowered by PDCA system, quality evaluation, classroom and institutional research aiming at educational quality assurance.

Strategies for students development towards excellence A lot of modern theories of teaching and learning are applied for student’s development towards excellence.

As the brain is the source of intellectual power, the school has an innovative resource center “the Exploring Center” to make every part of the brain balance and strong. Students learn from data assimilation, observation, experience , and higher order

Mental Health
The development of IQ, EQ, MQ and social skills are integrated into every subject area and daily life.
Intelligence Patai Udom Suksa has its own school curriculum and a variety of flexible teaching and learning process. There are exchange programs linking with the world, correlating to the Basic Education curriculum, responding to the school visions, to the present social needs, and to individual’s potentials.

Physical health Students are trained to be strong both physically and emotionally and to have good personality.
The school environment appropriate for learning Patai Udom Suksa has a clean, beautiful, shady, warm and safe resource center and environment full of learning atmosphere to boost every student and all time learning process and for students to assimilate only many good things and happiness.

Patai Udom Suksa is aware of social contribution

The school educates students, parents, teachers and the community with virtue, moral principle, and values so that they will have public service minds, to provide good things to the society, to live together in peace, to practice sufficiency economy and sacrifice.
Besides, the school is also the center of learning for the masses by conducting research and development on academics, administration and a variety of learning and teaching models up to international standards. The school received the Best Practice Reward both at the national and international levels. The school arranges exhibitions for communities and is an all time training and research center of learning for public , private and international organizations to study and observe.

Education supports
Khunying Udomluck Sriyannond Fund in cooperation with Patai Udom Suksa Parents and Teachers Association distribute more than 200 scholarships and certificates to students with good grades, behavior and who bring honors to school. There are also more than 50 awards a year for outstanding teachers.
School Honors
As Patai Udom Suksa aims at developing the quality of education for excellence and up to international standards, the school then has been receiving faith from people and government organizations and receiving a lot of honorable awards such as :

-The Royal Award for kindergarten , elementary and secondary levels.
-The Royal Award for Outstanding School in Moral Principle and Ethical Behavior.
-The Royal Award in honor of Mr. Sanya Thammasak for schools which educate good people to society.
-The Royal Award for “ Outstanding Library” from Thailand Association of Library.
– The Banna Sompoch Royal Award for Outstanding Mathematics and Science Learning Process Management
– The Quality Assurance Award with the “Very Good” level from the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment.

In addition, the school is a prototype of the best practice school for student-centered teaching and learning as follows:
-The prototype school for the National Research and Development Center of Learning Management for Students with Special Ability.
– The prototype school of ICT for learning.
– The Royal Award for Outstanding Project on “ Love of Reading Leads to Dreams” and the award for “ Good Readers Lead to Learning”
– The School for Outstanding Science and Mathematics Learning Activities in the Little Scientists House Project of Her Highness Princess Sirintorn.
– The honorable certificate for schools which develop youth’s basic abilities for the Olympic Contest for Mathematics and Science Students Honors
-ด.ญ.ชุติมา ครุฑจันทร์ ด.ญ.จันทนี กันเนื่อง ด.ญ.ผกามาศ ชมโชค ด.ญ.ภัศธรินทร์ สงวนแก้ว และ ด.ญ.กิตติมา ทองใบอ่อน received “ the Royal Award Student” at the secondary level.
-ด.ช.จิตตินนท์ สัจจกุลวนิชย์ from Prathom 6 won the gold medal in Science Competition for the Grade Range 1 in the project for the development of genius in Science and Mathematics from the Institute for the Promotion of the teaching of Science and Technology. In 2012, he was the winner receiving 20000 baht in student competition in the Science experiment classroom project at Gakken, Japan.
-ด.ช.พรหมพสธร ตรึกธรรม won the gold medal and the award for the student at Prathom 6 level with the highest score in Science in the project for the development of genius in Science and Mathematics from The Institute for the Promotion of the teaching of Science and Technology. In 2012, he won the gold medal at the National Olympic Competition in Chemistry.
-ด.ช.ทวีชัย จงกลสุวรรณ , Prathom 6, won a gold medal in Mathematics at the National Academics Competition, the Ministry of Education, a bronze medal in the project for the development of genius in Science and Mathematics from the Institute for the Promotion of the Teaching of Science and Technology and a bronze medal with a certificate in Solving Mathematics Problems Competition from the Institute for the Promotion of the Teaching of Science and Technology.
-เด็กชายปณัย คุตตะศิริสุข, เด็กชายปิยังกร แก้วหัวไทร, เด็กชาย ศุภฤกษ์ ยู้บุญยงค์, Prathom 6, were the winner receiving 30000 baht with a certificate for the creative VDO clip sharing knowledge in Science from True Corporation Limited ( Public company)
– เด็กชายศภกฤต คชสาร, Prathom 5, won the gold medal in Mathematics at the National Academics Competition, Ministry of Education.
– In addition, our students won a lot of awards : gold, silver and bronze medals in academics and sports.

Personnel Honors
นางพริ้มพราย สุพโปฎก , the Chairman for the School Committee received the Royal Award for “ The Outstanding School Administrator” from the Saman and Khunying Benja Sangmali Foundation, the Ministry of Education. She received the award for “ The Prototype Administrator” from the Office of National Education Committee, the Office of the Prime Minister. Also, she received a certificate for being the valuable contributor to the Ministry of Education

Besides, the administrators, assistants to the administrator and teachers brought fame to the school and to themselves by receiving a lot of outstanding awards and leader teachers awards in many subject areas. These honors are morale and moral support to Patai Udom Suksa to nurture the country’s youth with quality so that they can step out to the society with pride , stay there with happiness and continuingly be the power of the country